
  • Justine Leach

    Justine Leach

    BA (Hons) Dip LA MAUD

    LDA Design

    With 25 years professional practice Justine has considerable experience of masterplanning and landscape architecture in urban and rural environments at a wide range of scales. Justine is a Director at LDA Design and leads their Oxford studio where she provides strong design leadership on projects ranging from strategic development, regeneration, public space design, including streets and the public realm of new housing. Her expertise includes complex multi-disciplinary projects, coordination and design for visioning strategies and site promotion, design statements, planning applications and delivery.

    Housing, Landscape, Strategic Development

  • Warren Lever

    Warren Lever



    Warren is an Urban Designer and Heritage Professional with over 25 years' experience in master planning, urban design, heritage consultation and the design of public realm schemes. He has worked on urban regeneration proposals, heritage projects and wider placeshaping initiatives for local authorities. In private practice, he previously led the Placeshaping team at Balfour Beatty, working on a number of major urban design, regeneration and streetscape projects. Warren currently works on projects establishing the links between the design of the built environment and quality of life outcomes. He has advised on neighbourhood plans and has expertise in community engagement workshops, Building for Healthy Life and design coding.

    Health, Heritage, People & Place

  • Andrew Linfoot

    Andrew Linfoot

    BA MPhil PGDipUD FLI


    Andrew is a landscape architect and urban designer with over 30 years’ experience of delivering complex projects in the UK and overseas. He is Jacobs Global Technology Lead for Landscape Architecture, involving strategy, innovation, and connectivity across technology and people. Andrew leads multi-disciplinary design teams on projects from feasibility stage to design, consenting to implementation. He is able to think across disciplines, understanding the inter-relationships and the need for a collaborative approach to develop successful solutions.

    Landscape, People & Place

  • Tom Littlewood

    Tom Littlewood

    Bsc (Hons) Hort. Dip LA CMLI

    Ginkgo Projects Ltd

    Tom is an experienced Cultural Producer working across the arts and built environment sectors. He has over twenty five years of experience of promoting design excellence and the rich narratives that cultural programming brings to place development. He is founder and Director of Ginkgo Projects Ltd. working throughout the UK, visioning, curating, and delivering cultural projects that integrate the work of artists and makers as a key element within environmental, architectural and regenerative schemes. Tom is co Director of Filament Works CIC which is focused on developing a more resilient, diverse and progressive cultural ecology in Torbay and the wider region.

    Inclusive Growth, Landscape, People & Place

  • Jonathan Lloyd

    Jonathan Lloyd

    BEng (hons), MCIHT

    SLR Consulting Ltd

    Jonathan has over twenty years’ experience providing highways and contemporary mobility and placemaking advice for clients across multiple sectors as well as overseas projects. Jonathan’s passion for schemes that deliver real social value, enable people to make positive mobility choices, meeting carbon reduction and health objectives. Jonathan is proud to have been involved with the RTPI, advising on pathways to Net Zero Transport, helping inform the Governments future zero carbon policies.

    Highways & Transport, People & Place, Strategic Development

  • Martyn Lonsdale

    Martyn Lonsdale

    BA (Hons), DipLA, CMLI, DipUD, RPUD

    Lavigne Lonsdale

    Martyn has 30 years experience of providing masterplanning, urban design and landscape architectural services on large scale, award-winning projects. He is the founding Director of Lavigne Lonsdale and oversees both the Truro and Bath studios.

    Landscape, People & Place, Strategic Development

  • Andy Macintosh

    Andy Macintosh

    RIBA, BSc (Hons), MPhil, DipArch

    Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

    Andy Macintosh is an Architect and Senior Associate at Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, a residential sector lead, and one of the practice’s sustainability champions. Andy is an expert in residential, masterplanning and urban mixed-use projects and has recently been leading on our Brabazon and Bath Press schemes. He has also worked on cultural re-use projects including Southbank Centre and Alexandra Palace. He is a member of Wandsworth Design Review Panel, and B&NES Housing Mission Delivery Board. As one of FCBStudios’ sustainability champions, Andy has led environmental research projects both within the practice and with the UK Green Building Council.

    Climate, Housing, Strategic Development

  • Laura Menzies

    Laura Menzies

    BEng (Hons), CEng, MICE

    Buro Happold

    With a background in infrastructure design and construction, Laura has enjoyed a varied career across the technical design, coordination and construction of projects from the London 2012 stadium to two new cities in Kuwait. Her varied experience covers; flood risk, highways, drainage, utilities and earthworks. She has contributed to the delivery of a wide range of solutions to infrastructure challenges, and has developed an adaptable, collaborative approach to design development.

    Climate, Highways & Transport, People & Place, Strategic Development

  • Claire Miller

    Claire Miller

    PAS 2035 L5 Dip, PGCert, MArch, Architecture (BA Hons), Furniture & Interior Design (BA Hons)

    Askew Cavanna Architects

    Claire is a highly creative Chartered Architect and Retrofit Coordinator/Designer with 15 years industry experience. She is currently an Associate at Askew Cavanna Architects. Her passion is working with existing buildings to create energy efficient, beautiful, inclusive places that bring social, environmental and economic value through design. She has worked on a number of award winning projects including the Soil Association HQ and Docklands Youth & Community Centre, both in Bristol. Claire is also a Board of Trustees for the Centre for Sustainable Energy, a charity supporting people and organisations to tackle the climate emergency and end cold homes.

    Climate, Heritage, Housing, People & Place, Strategic Development