
  • Mike Keys

    Mike Keys

    BSc BArch RIBA

    Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

    Mike is a partner at Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios and has designed a range of residential, sports, leisure and master planning projects, with a particular focus on the higher education sector, including working for the University of Bristol. Mike led the 2008 Stirling Prize winning team on Accordia, a substantial residential scheme in Cambridge widely regarded as setting a new benchmark for housing design in the UK. He has also designed residential schemes in London, Bath, Manchester and Bristol.

    Density, Housing, People & Place

  • Edgar Kiviet

    Edgar Kiviet

    MSc, RIBA, ULI


    Edgar is trained as an architect at Delft University Netherlands, brings 25 years of senior international Master planning and urban design experience, and is currently leading the Cardiff and Bristol based placemaking, urban design and landscape team. He is expert in sustainable urban regeneration and transformation, including a wide range of projects, such as Stafford Brooks Wildlife Trust GBI, Rotterdam Maashaven Park, Bristol City Centre Masterplan, Yate Town Improvement masterplan and Belgrade Waterfront. He brings a solid track record of design, stakeholder engagement and delivery of sustainable mixed-use urban regenerations and transformations, including one of the first BREEAM communities Pilot projects. Edgar is member of Urban Land Institute Circularity council and volunteers on secondary schools across the UK for Urban Plan UK, led by ULI.

    Density, People & Place, Strategic Development

  • Martin Knight

    Martin Knight

    BA (Hons) MA CMLI

    Studio Knight Stokoe

    Martin is a chartered landscape architect, urbanist, and co-founding Director of Studio Knight Stokoe. He is passionate about working collaboratively to create regenerative, inspirational, and beautiful places that delight, and consider the needs of people, nature, and the environment. Over his career, he has developed a diverse portfolio across a variety of project scales and sectors. He is a mentor on the Landscape Institute’s Pathway to Chartership and an Expert Associate for the Design Council.

    Landscape, People & Place, Strategic Development

  • Stefan Kruczkowski

    Stefan Kruczkowski

    BA(Hons) DipTP (Dist) RPUD FHEA PhD

    Urban Design Doctor Limited

    Dr. Stefan Kruczkowski is an urban designer and co-author of Building for a Healthy Life - the government endorsed design tool for creating better residential developments. Stefan has extensive experience in improving the design quality of new towns, villages and a range of residential and commercial developments. Working for local planning authorities across England, Stefan is experienced in policy and brief writing, development management and post-completion quality auditing. Stefan also serves on the panel for Design:Midlands, supports Homes England with its land disposal programme and is a visiting lecturer at the University of Nottingham.

    Housing, Landscape, People & Place

  • Cora Kwiatkowski

    Cora Kwiatkowski

    Dipl.-Ing. Arch RIBA


    Stride Treglown

    Cora is a chartered architect with over 20 years’ international experience and currently a Divisional Director/Sector Lead for Higher Education at Stride Treglown, as well as a RIBA Client Adviser with a special focus on strategic advice, briefing and user experience. Cora is experienced in working with the public and private sector to deliver award-winning projects. Cora has demonstrated encouraging design excellence as thought-leader through co-chairing the Design Review Panel at Design West and the Design Commission for Wales (DCfW). She further supports this aim as Board Trustee for Design West, Commissioner for DCfW, Design Council Associate and a member of the University Design Forum.

    Density, Housing, People & Place, Strategic Development

  • Richard Latcham

    Richard Latcham

    BEng (Hons) Dip UD CEng MICE MIHT


    Richard is an engineer and urban designer with 26 years’ experience working in the public and private sector on mobility, regeneration and land development projects. His skills and experience cover a variety of types of projects from planned urban extensions to the redevelopment of station development areas. His work is across a wide diversity of scales from single site redevelopments to city and regional development frameworks. His practice covers abstract and conceptual visions through to detailed scheme design, with specialist transport planning expertise and an ability for multi-agency and partnership working.

    People & Place, Strategic Development

  • Michèle Lavelle

    Michèle Lavelle

    Dip LA CMLI MA T&CP Dip UD

    4D Landscape Design

    Proactive and with a realistic, positive approach to Landscape Architecture, Planning and Urban Design, Michèle’s expertise encompasses all aspects of these fields. She advises on the BUDF and Creating Excellence panels and is a founding member of Bristol Council’s Tree Forum and TDAG. Michèle advises and acts on behalf of Local Authorities and developers as an expert witness at planning appeals. Michèle lectures at UoG and UWE and is a Council Member of the Landscape Institute.

    Landscape, People & Place, Strategic Development

  • Warren Lever

    Warren Lever



    Warren is an Urban Designer and Heritage Professional with over 25 years' experience in master planning, urban design, heritage consultation and the design of public realm schemes. He has worked on urban regeneration proposals, heritage projects and wider placeshaping initiatives for local authorities. In private practice, he previously led the Placeshaping team at Balfour Beatty, working on a number of major urban design, regeneration and streetscape projects. Warren currently works on projects establishing the links between the design of the built environment and quality of life outcomes. He has advised on neighbourhood plans and has expertise in community engagement workshops, Building for Healthy Life and design coding.

    Health, Heritage, People & Place

  • Andrew Linfoot

    Andrew Linfoot

    BA MPhil PGDipUD FLI


    Andrew is a landscape architect and urban designer with over 30 years’ experience of delivering complex projects in the UK and overseas. He is Jacobs Global Technology Lead for Landscape Architecture, involving strategy, innovation, and connectivity across technology and people. Andrew leads multi-disciplinary design teams on projects from feasibility stage to design, consenting to implementation. He is able to think across disciplines, understanding the inter-relationships and the need for a collaborative approach to develop successful solutions.

    Landscape, People & Place